Sunday 25 December 2011

Download Firefox 9 Final For Windows, Mac And Linux

Following the footsteps of Chrome; Mozilla has developed a knack for updating its famous desktop browser as quickly as possible when it comes to version numbers. It was just over a month ago when Firefox 8 was released to public, and already, the final build of version 9 is available for download.
The offcial release day of the said browser was December 21,2011. That was when Mozilla revamped their website with proper download links and updated version numbers and all, and aligning themselves with past traditions; the final build of Firefox 9 is already lying on Mozilla’s FTP servers waiting to be downloaded by the general public.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Microsoft Launches New Social Network For Students---

Microsoft has now launched its social networkeffort, software giant maintains the site is not out there to compete with Facebook and its 800 million+ active users, or indeed any of the current collective such as Twitter or LinkedIn. Instead, the intention of the search-based site is to work in addition to what’s already out there.
The service is being developed under the watchful eye of Microsoft Research’s FUSE Labs division, and 
is said to be more of an experimental exercise than a fully-fledged finished product. 

It’s important to consider the origins of Facebook before allowing ourselves to be sucked in by the purely student social ideal. After all, the world’s second most frequented site did itself cater solely to those studying at university before eventually being made available the world over.
With Microsoft having acquired Skype for the tidy sum of $8.5 billion back in May, it would be naive to presume the software maker has no further plans for if it does begin to pick up. Sure, Windows 8, and the umbrella of products therein (Mobile, desktop, Xbox) may leech a great deal of the company’s time and resources, but a firm the size of Microsoft doesn’t tend to do things by half measures.
Maybe, just maybe, Steve Ballmer’s company is planning a more strategic approach than Google’s, which launched in a blaze of beta glory but as yet hasn’t quite drawn in the vast numbers seen at its inception. It’s more than likely Microsoft would prefer to stalk its prey, creeping up quite inconspicuously before pouncing.
After all, ‘working alongside’ could be conveyed as finding a niche, and if Microsoft does indeed find a niche, it’s highly unlikely to settle for a supporting role.

Friday 16 December 2011

Best Invoice Design Contest-A chance to win 175$ and annual subscription to

Today, we have yet another cool Contest. DesignMondo and BillGrid announce the inception of their new Contest. Win $175 and Annual Subscription to BillGrid! This is a giveaway that you simply don’t want to miss. Read on to see how you can win this excellent prize.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Bill Gates: No, I’m Not Returning To Microsoft

Dismissing rumors that he might be making a comeback at Microsoft, founder Bill Gates went down under to rule out the possibility of ever returning to the software behemoth full-time.
Instead, he says, he’ll be working full-time at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation until the day he dies. Gates stepped down from his day-to-day role at Microsoft in June 2008.

Monday 12 December 2011

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Reached $1 Billion USD Milestone Faster Than Avatar

Modern Warfare 3 – the latest title in Activision’s popular Call of Duty series of first person shooters – went pass the $1 billion sales mark in just 16 days.

Is December 15 Verizon’s New Galaxy Nexus Launch Date?

The Galaxy Nexus, while something we’ve been super excited about, is turning out to be a real pain. Why? Because we can’t seem to figure out when the bleep this thing is supposed to launch. We heard it was supposed to be around today, and then we heard it wasn’t, and then we heard so many different dates it started to get stupid.

Now, however, Droid-life is claiming to have found the needle in this incredibly annoying haystack. Apparently a “dozen” different sources have said that

Sunday 11 December 2011

HP to Clear Off Refurbished TouchPads through Firesale in eBay auction

HP is getting ready to off-load the refurbished TouchPad tablets through eBay auction. According to the information from trusted sources, the firesale eBay auction will start on December 11 at 6p.m. with a sale limited to one tablet per customer. Surprisingly, HP is honoring their employees by giving a preference to buy the tablets before they enter into the public domain. Given a chance, any employee will try to book one for that damn cheap price.

The company is planning to shell-off the refurbished tablets. Refurbished products from HP are clean, fully-functional models from customer returns (often unopened), cancelled orders, overstock and demo returns. This is not product that's been in use over a long period of time or product returns from warranty service work. So, these refurbished products can be a great value for money. Despite the clear intention to discontinue the lineup, HP recently announced a major WebOS update for the slates. Surprisingly, one of the executive claimed the development team is working in long-term projects in order to improve the WebOS. So, customers aren't totally ignored and some justification is done for the buyers so far. The 16GB and 32GB TouchPad's will be priced at $99 and $149respectively. What are you waiting for ??? Hurry up to mark your calenders for availing this final offer.

Facebook Is Hiding Some Of Your Incoming Messages In This Hidden Folder

Facebook is no stranger to controversy, but it usually find itself in hot water thanks to its less than clear privacy policies. In fact, even when their policies are clear people are usually pretty unhappy about what they are being told. Rightly or wrongly, Facebook has something of a reputation for being less than transparent.
Facebook is once again in the dog house amongst some of its users, but for once it is nothing to do with privacy, though it does have everything to do with something the social network is keeping away from its users.
The issue, brought to our attention by Mashable's Zoe Fox, revolves around how Facebook handles some of its Facebook Messages.
If you head on over to Facebook right now, and click on your Facebook Messages link under the "Favorites" section on the left, you will be given a list of, you guessed it, your messages. If you glance back over to that list on the left though, you’ll see a new "Other" option has been presented. Clicking that will show a new list of messages – messages which Facebook has deemed not worthy of your attention.
What these messages tend to be is notes from brands you have Liked, or messages from people who you are not friends with on Facebook. There may be other criteria going on behind the scenes, but we’re just guessing at this point.
While this may keep you free of having to deal with messages you don’t want to see – think of it as a Gmail-like spam filter - it is entirely possible that you are also missing some messages that might be useful to you. Unless you go and check out the "Other" area every once in a while, you may never know.
Based on some guess-work, everyone seems to agree that Facebook introduced this behavior earlier this year, perhaps around May or June, though again we’re only basing that on the dates when Messages began popping up in this new "Other" section.
As is always the case with Facebook, it may be worth hunting around for changes and new features every week or two – you all know how The Zuck likes to change things!